What was narrow lake on brothers and sisters

At Ojai, Nora and Holly search through old records to discover the food company's "hidden value" which Dennis has continued to seek.

Saul agrees to find Dennis's whereabouts for Nora. Elsewhere, Sarah tells Ginny and Luc that she's comfortable with their marriage, which all will consider "a business arrangement. As Kitty tries to fire Buffy, she gets a phone call from Sarah, during which she convinces her sister to stop Luc's wedding. Justin confronts Rebecca after finding that she lied to him about having dinner with David.

Rebecca explodes, saying that she needs "space" and has secretly been taking ballet lessons to get over the miscarriage. A Why would she look for a new job when she could spend her days looking at Luc in a wifebeater? B Cold pizza is really good. C She just wanted to lay on the couch, watch TV, and drink. The fact is, Kitty is running for Senate and should be focused on her campaign and not on keeping Sarah from commandeering the remote control on the bus or in the hotel room that the three of them shared.

While Kitty was trying to work on a speech, Nora was pushing for facials and Sarah was asking for the bus keys so she could go get more wine. Your turn. What did you think of the season finale? Did you cry? How much will you miss Rob Lowe? Do you want Holly to live or die? Live, Holly, live! Good riddance, Rebecca! Call me insensitive, but I had a huge smile on my face when Justin found the house empty. They were always fighting — they never seemed to be happy except the proposal and their wedding.

And there was so much melodrama with them last year that the show will actually be stronger without them. As for Sarah, she and Luc are still a happy couple. Luc took a job as an underwear model. To me, this is one of the biggest shocks of the episode. A celebration of what should have been a joyous moment cut tragically short. The same was true of Saul, a glue character whose story line was perhaps the most moving last night.

A gay man growing up in a different era, he'd never been tested. Ron Rifkin is always terrific as a supplementary character, but we've really enjoyed him these past few weeks as something of the family patriarch, but with unique baggage. Meanwhile, Sarah, Scotty and Nora appear to be fine as we sift through the wreckage of the awful crash. Holly was trapped in the car, and Justin tended to Kitty and Robert.

One of the most powerful moments came when Rebecca screamed for Justin to come help Holly, and Robert told Justin to go. Do you think that Robert knew he was dying?

It appeared that by telling Justin to help someone else, he could have died saving them, a heroic death befitting of his character.


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